Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Life with Logan: Day in the life of Logan

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Day in the life of Logan

Day in the Life of Logan
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Aunt "B" said...

How CUTE is this!!! I LOVED peeking in on a "Day in the Life of Logan!" Wish I could spend a "Day with Logan!!!" He will be WALKING by the time aunt "b" gets to see him!!! )-: He is getting cuter each new blog!!! Love to ALl...aunt "b"

Aunt Suzy said...

Little Logan is so adorable...but how could he be anything but. I can hardly wait to see our new bouncing baby boy. It won't be long now, we'll see you at Josh's wedding. Love, Aunt Suzy

erika said...

what a fun e-scrapbook! i will call you soon; time in IL got filled up with family, as I'm sure you understand ... :)

Aunt "B" said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Logan on your "2nd Month" Big Birthday...

Aunt "b" loves you...

Anonymous said...

That scrapbook is adorable! (Of course, by "that scrapbook", I mean that sweet baby boy.) Thanks for giving us lots of Logan snuggle time.

Calvin was just looking at a picture of his cousin, and he said, "Baby Logan?" I said, "No, that's Emerald." And Cal said--"Baby Logan is nice." I thought that was a very nice sentence of him to put together.