Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Life with Logan: The Magic Touch

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Magic Touch

I always knew I had an amazing husband, but now as I watch him as a daddy with his son, I know it even more. For me personally, that has been the best part of this journey of parenting so far, watching Blake be a dad. From the second Logan was born, no actually since we knew we would be parents, he has been truly wonderful. The joy in Blake's eyes as he held Logan for the first time and everytime since warms my heart. Logan is one blessed boy to have a dad like him. Especially this past week because for some unknown reason every night between 6 and 8pm Logan has been very unsettled and the only thing that will soothe him is being in daddy's arms. I'm sure this might be exhausting or frustrating for Blake, after coming home from a long day of work, but he never complains. Instead he does what every loving father would do, holds and cuddles with his newborn son.
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Aunt "B" said...

I LOVE ALL the photos....makes me want to plan a trip to AZ SOON!!!!
Yes, Little Logan is blessed to have a dad like Blake AND a mom like you!!! I LOVE you ALL "3"!!!
Aunt "b"
He IS adorable!!!

erika said...

i love to see the pics, but i love to read your thoughts just as much! thanks for sharing, friend. :)