Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Life with Logan: November 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Duckifier

Recently, Logan has been very entertained by little rubber duckies. He's figured out a way to carry them around without using his hands. I crack up every time I see him with that silly duck sticking out of his mouth. Hope it makes you smile too. What a treasure he is!

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Monday, November 12, 2007


It might be smart for me to start wearing a bib as well now when I am feeding Logan. He just recently figured out how to blow raspberries. (Why do we call them that anyway?) When he first figured it out I think it may have been on accident from all the drool is mouth produces lately but he's been hooked ever since on the noise and probably the funny feeling too. For the first few days he would make them randomly and every time I'd run to get may camera to try to capture it on video. Well of course as soon as he caught a glimpse of the camera he was done with the raspberries and only interested in grabbing the camera. But alas we finally were able to capture the entertaining milestone Saturday morning at breakfast. What better to do with the food mom and dad put in my mouth that to blow it right back out! As I was taping him I began thinking, this probably isn't the best time to encourage this new trick and sure enough the next time we fed him that day he was way more interested in blowing raspberries than swallowing his food. So now we've created a monster.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Logan the Lion

Crawling away from Mommy.


Trick or Treat
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